1400 QuickTutor(TM) Caller 1401 The QuickCard dialog box is already active.\n\n 1402 This message may appear if:\n\n 1403 (1) you double-click on the QuickCard button, or\n\n 1404 (2) the QuickCard dialog box is open in another application. 1405 QCError: Low on Memory 1406 ... but 'QCCaller' is already running 1407 Unable to Init Application 1408 Unable to Load 'QTUTOR.DLL' 1409 Memory Allocation Error 1410 This program can only be run from a 'QuickTutor Aware' application. 1411 QuickTutor(TM) Launch Pad 1412 OK 1413 (C)1994 - Usability Sciences Corp. 1414 Usability Sciences Corp.